Home Pic July 2024
Caption July 2024

July 2024


June ended up being a really slow riding month. Combine sore hands, home renos, and high heat and humidity, and there wasn't much incentive for riding. I rode more in March than I did in June.

To the good the rides I did have were good ones. I've been up to this location hundreds of times but this spot is always worthy of a stop and a picture or two. Civilization isn't far away but from this vantage point all you see is nature which is the way that I prefer it to be on a ride.

With a wet summer so far the grass has grown to amazing heights of late. Some of the trails are so overgrown to be almost unrideable. The other worry is ticks. So far none found. I hope it stays that way because I've got lots more riding planned.


Magnetawan ride, on a long semi-abandoned pioneer road called "Plum Tree Road". Real wilderness.
20 minute video on YouTube


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