The famous
W.O.W. Pasta Salad Recipe!
We serve this pasta salad at our full day clinics.
We’ve had many requests, so here it is.
Hope you enjoy it.

I'm just not physically able to manage all that is required of these clinics. I'll miss them more than the races and tours. W.O.W. ran highly successful clinics for 18 years but the impact of a damaged hand post surgery means ongoing problems. We're proud to have taught hundreds of people how to mountain bike over the years. That is a great memory to retire with.
Feedback from our participants!
Hey Mike and Natalie! I've been meaning to send you a note of thanks for the great clinics. It was good to get out with you guys, refresh my skills, and ride Hilton Falls with people who know the trails... The snacks help, too! Hope to see you on the
trails. J
Hi Mike and Natalie, I have been putting some of the skills to good use over the past month and have already noticed a change in my confidence level as I ride. Keep up the fantastic work!! C
Thank you for a great time on Sunday. I really learned a lot and I can't wait to use my new skills on the trails! The pictures look great and I couldn't stop talking about the clinic afterwards to my friends and co-workers. Many thanks, L
I am writing this email to Thank You both for our quality instruction at the mountain bike clinic. As a high school teacher it was refreshing to see two great personable people sharing their knowledge. As a real rookie to this sport, I greatly appreciate your council and guidance both on and off the trails. Once again congratulations and many thanks to you both! Sincerely L |